Strawberry Lassi


  • Strawberry – 250g
  • Fresh curd – 250ml
  • Ice cream – 2 Scoop
  • Cherries – 1
  • Strawberry – 1
  • Almond – 1
  • Honey – Required
  • Ice cubes – Required
  • leaves – Required

How to Prepare

Total Preparation Time: 20-30 minutes

  1. Grind almond, chop cherries, chop 1 strawberry and keep aside
  2. Wash the strawberry and cut into small pieces
  3. Add it to a blender or mixer, blend them like smooth foamy juice
  4. Then add required honey then blend it for 20 seconds
  5. After that add fresh curd, ice cream, almond and blend them for a minute till it become thick foam
  6. Then transfer it into a glass, add some icecubes
  7. Then mix it well and finally garnish with cherries and strawberries
  8. Now the healthy Strawberry Lassi is ready for serve

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